#TIL: Future of Transport Systems: Hydrogen Vs Electric Cars
By Shilpi Samantray
When we look at the future of the mobility ecosystem, it is not just the electric vehicles (EVs) that are the future, hydrogen vehicles (fuel cells) are also part of the horizon. Both are competing technologies and it’s interesting to compare advancing technologies to understand which is more eco- friendly.
EV’s and Fuel cells are evolving with R&D investments. EVs receive a lot of attention and are definitely miles ahead in terms of maturity of the technology. Further, the economies of scale, branding and efficiency have made EVs a popular choice.
However, to choose which technology is best will depend on factors such as how battery technology evolves and how quickly cost reductions from scaling hydrogen production is realised. Until then, EV’s and Fuel cells should play complementary roles and work on strengthening their shortcomings.
- The hydrogen economy — Vision or reality?
- https://insideevs.com/news/406676/battery-electric-hydrogen-fuel-cell-efficiency-comparison/
- https://www.euronews.com/living/2020/02/13/hydrogen-fuel-cell-vs-electric-cars-what-you-need-to-know-but-couldn-t-ask
- https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/automotive-and-assembly/our-insights/hydrogen-the-next-wave-for-electric-vehicles
- Image — VectorStock
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