#TIL: Mobility as a Service
By Yeshwanth Reddy
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a digital solution wherein the entire trip value chain — planning, booking and payment can be completed on a single platform which integrates multiple modes of transportation. These include public transport, bike taxis, auto-rickshaws, cabs, cycles and other shared mobility modes that exist in a city.
Implementation of MaaS requires digital integration and real-time data exchange between various entities, both public and private. A strong governance framework is required for successful implementation and adoption of MaaS. Various models of MaaS implementation can be categorised as follows:
- Commercial Integrator: In this model, APIs of various service providers are shared directly with the MaaS providers without any common platform.
- Public Authority Integrator: In this model, APIs are provided only to a public authority who will in-turn provide the MaaS platform to commuters.
- Open and Regulated Back-end Platform: In this model, APIs are provided to an open platform and MaaS service providers build applications through APIs from this open platform.
- Decentralised MaaS ecosystem: In this model, mobility service providers and MaaS players enter into smart contracts instead of providing APIs.
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